Ticker: MEGA
Contract address: EQBf6-YoR9xylol_NwjHrLkrTFAZJCX-bsd-Xx_902OaPaBf
Blockchain: TON
MEGA is a governance token that maintains the ecosystem of Megaton Finance, and the initial quantity issued through inflation is provided to LP (Liquidity Provider). When the staking function is added to Megaton Finance, MEGA staking participants will receive MEGA as a reward.
Use cases
MEGA can be distributed through ecosystem contributions such as pool deposits and staking, or acquired through transactions, and can be used as follows.
Users can receive inflation rewards by using MEGA for pair deposit services.
Users can participate in MEGA staking and receive MEGA inflation reward (TBD).
MEGA can be used for governance voting on the protocol’s agenda (TBD).
Last updated